Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama's Back to School speech

Well I read the prepared remark of President Obama back to school speech that he will give tomorrow to school children across the country and it seems rather umm... boring, uplifting, and well a typical Obama. He lays out how his life has wasn't the easiest thing in the world and how he's mother worked hard to make sure he received a world class education. If anything this speech is harmless it's nothing more then the President of the Untied States of America encouraging the youth of America to be more then themselves to work harder not only for themselves but for the country as a whole.

I am sure there will be more noise about how Obama is trying to brainwash our children, make our children into little socialist, and what not but personally I think it's more sub-conscious racial reaction more then anything else. God forbid that there is a positive African American male role model for all the children in America.

The President isn't a Nazi, Socialist, or White Racist, he's just a human being trying to fix a broken country. It's easy to demonize Obama but much harder to humanize him with all the racial baggage that most Americans carry around our collective necks. Please read the speech for yourself here and I would love to hear your reaction to it.

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