Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lentil Harvest

In May I planted some lentils just for kicks to see if anything would grow and guess what... Out of the 36 or so seeds that I planted about half of them grew to maturity and if I had pay more attention to the lentils and  watered them more often, maybe they wouldn't have died with the pods still growing and trying to mature. Sadly, some of the pods were dead or had crazy small lentils inside which is something I should have known but being away for six weeks does not help much when you're trying to grow some lentils in your backyard.
The lentil plants ready to be picked though they're
sadly half dead.

Orange wondering what I am doing.
De-podding lentils pods.

Orange helping me sort the lentils
               and trying to eat them...                         

 The finished product!

So I now have not even a fourth of a cup of lentils to do something with like make a soup though it's not enough to make a soup so I am probably going to just plant them in the spring and try to pay more attetion to them next summer. One day i'll grow enough lentils that I won't have buy them any more at the CO-OP.

1 comment:

  1. That's so fantastic, I was sprouting some lentils and wondered how they look fresh or how the plants look so through searching came upon your page. Great post!
