Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scott Brown for the win... Boo!

Leave it to the Democratic party to lose a senate seat in fucking Massachusetts, it doesn't even makes sense until you realize that over the last six week Coakley  only had 16 events compared to Browns 66. If you are going to run for office you have to campaign otherwise no one will vote for you it's that simple! Obama didn't win because he was black he won because he worked himself to the bone and made sure everyone around him worked just as hard! That's how you win an election you can't just assume the D next to your name is going to get you elected that's just beyond stupid and makes your a worthless candidate.

I understand why Brown was elected and it makes sense to me since the party that control all three branches of government can't even seem to get their act together and pass health care reform bill without a super majority in the senate... How crazy is that? Why oh why do we have to have sixty votes to get anything done in the senate? Just let people filibuster until they fall over and then vote. I would like Obama to grab the Dem leadership by the neck and shake them out a bit! It's really bad for moral when you lose Edward Kennedy seat to a former Cosmo pin up...

In other news I have appointment with the admission office at BSU on Thursday at ten o'clock so I can see what I need to do to enroll next fall and find out what I can majour in. Right now I am thinking either Hospice Nurse or Nutritionist something along those lines, maybe even early childhood development I just want something that will help people in need the most. I am over my anxiety about going back to school and I am looking forward to it so much so it has put be in a very good mood for the last few days.

Well I am off to bed, I have to work at seven in the morning and I already know we will be listening to MPR all day and the coverage is going to be non-stop about Brown winning. Man I know what the GOP felt like after the Dem wave in 2006.


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