So I never really plan my days, I have a rough plan but it's mostly like buy food today or deal with bills today but never anything super real unless I am travelling then almost everything is super planned out.
Today was supposed to be my last day off before going back to work tomorrow but Jason was sick this morning so I went in for him. Six hours and two cleaner kitchen later I am done and instead of going home I head to the DC to talk to my boss and the rest of the crew that I haven't seen in a month!! Salome wants me back at Mar e which is great news!! Now I am just waiting to hear back from Karl about second half of the summer, maybe I'll be back at the Mar... Salome also said she'd try and look for some money to spend me to Portugal this spring if possible which would be very cool considering I have never been there and just a week there would improve the food at Mar e Floresta by one hundred percent if not more. I'll send Karl an email this weekend and hopefully hear back from him otherwise I am going to start planning a trip to Portugal.
Anyway... I was chatting with Martin about the state of things at work and life in general when I mention something about R.T. Rybak who I am supporting for Governor and turns out R.T was going to be in town at a forum that started at 5:30 and it was 5:00 so I got in my car and head towards BSU. The event was great fun I loved watching the people at it! The DFL candidates pretty much speed dated nine groups of people changing spots after eight minutes though it took them longer to move around because it was hard for some of them to stop talking. Out of the nine candidates present Matt Entenza and R.T. Rybak really impressed me, I'd happily vote for either one of them and even Mark Dayton was pretty impressive to me though to be rather honest I could support anyone of the candidates I met tonight. The highlight of the night though was when R.T. Rybak sat next to me while I was eating my Indian taco he said I should get involved in local politics and try to get on the school board and work my way up from there! R.T. just seems crazy energetic and that is what I like about him I feel like he could just make things happen better and faster then anyone else running. Did you know he meets every single high school freshman in Minneapolis? Who does that?
Time to pass out.
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
33 minutes ago
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